On this page is a selection of links, presentations I have given, blogs on different topics, interviews etc, all of which I update from time to time, plus a selection of tweets and other socmed posts. Hope something here is useful for you!
If you are looking for help or advice, please email me and I will see if I can point you in the right direction! Contact

UDEN - the Utah Digital Entertainment Network - helped organize the first ever digital entertainment track at the Silicon Slopes' Tech Summit 2020, as well as a new area within the Summit dedicated to digital entertainment called Slopes Arcade. This is our recap!
UDEN’s 20th membership meeting took place on September 5th, 2018. It was held at Redman Movies & Stories, Salt Lake City, Utah USA. The following are key notes and take-aways from the evening. You can watch the event on UDEN’s YouTube channel
I'm often asked how to get into the games business, but what if you want to become a successful games producer like me? This post is a typical reply that I give in response to such inquiries in email or at talks I give. I hope it helps you!
I'm frequently asked for the 'inside track' on how to break into the games industry. Sometimes it's a parent whose teenage offspring wants to be a game designer and they want to know what to study; sometimes its a random person I meet at a party who loves (--insert name of mass market game here--) and thinks they could do better. The following is a version of how I respond -- I hope you find it useful if you are pondering this also
Panel discussion with solutions for launching and funding your digital entertainment startup, innovation and creative project.
A special UDEN meeting with a panel of experts discussing how to startup a digital business in Utah!
Highlights and photos from UDEN #10 including Hive Ignite and a killer keynote from Prof. Roger Altizer
In a series of three posts, I’m going to discuss what happens when employment is terminated, both from an employee’s perspective and from the manager that has to do the termination. Neither are easy but both can be valuable if you are prepared.
Being "fired" or being "let go" both end up in the same place -- you out of work. In this blog, I look at this from the employee's perspective and offer thoughts on coping strategies now that you're "in the beach club"...
However unpleasant, firing someone or letting people go is something that you, as a manager, need to be prepared to do. The way you handle yourself at the time you tell someone it’s time to move on makes a big difference to them. This blog helps you be prepared.
I had an interesting experience recently, getting locked out of Facebook for two months. I didn’t do anything wrong, but the process to get back in was frustrating to say the least. I did eventually get back in, so I thought I would share my experiences in case it helps anyone else struggling for answers.