I'm often asked how to get into the games business, but what if you want to become a successful games producer like me? This post is a typical reply that I give in response to such inquiries in email or at talks I give. I hope it helps you!
In a series of three posts, I’m going to discuss what happens when employment is terminated, both from an employee’s perspective and from the manager that has to do the termination. Neither are easy but both can be valuable if you are prepared.
Being "fired" or being "let go" both end up in the same place -- you out of work. In this blog, I look at this from the employee's perspective and offer thoughts on coping strategies now that you're "in the beach club"...
However unpleasant, firing someone or letting people go is something that you, as a manager, need to be prepared to do. The way you handle yourself at the time you tell someone it’s time to move on makes a big difference to them. This blog helps you be prepared.