(IBM PC, Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48/128, Amstrad CPC) ( LucasArts )
This was PMC's first original product. I negotiated the licensing of the game to Lucasfilm's interactive division, for development by PMC across six popular hardware systems. Originally entitled "Mr Fix It" I altered the game design so that it was based around Lucasfilm properties, such as Star Wars characters, including Luke Skywalker and Darth vader, and other characters such as Indiana Jones.
Lucasfilm also requested that PMC design and produce the game manual and packaging. I designed and wrote the user manual, and hired Catalyst Publishing in the UK to produce the physical print masters, which were then shipped to Lucasfilm in California for production.
To develop the game, I helped found Attention To Detail (ATD), who went on to become one a leading British development company. The title was well received by the market and sold more than 100,000 units. It received excellent reviews and was noted for it's innovation in game design, making use of "cause and effect" simulation and humor.
The highest review for "Night Shift" was 96% for the Spectrum version; programmed by John Mullins, artwork by Nick Cook. it received the award of "Crash Smash". The reviewers said:
"Night Shift is totally original and totally brilliant"
"The best advice I can give you is get out your pennies, go down to your local software emporium and get a copy before they're all sold out!"
"It makes a very refreshing change to see an original game and Night Shift gets a big thumbs up from me"
The Commodore 64 version, like all of the skus of Night Shift, was very highly reviewed also; Zzap 64 reviewers said:
"As one of the most innovative games in a long while. Night Shift deserves to do well."
"Heartily recommended for anyone who likes a bit of mental challenge along with arcade action"
"Great fun"
"Toymaking at its best"
The One magazine scored the PC sku at 90%: Reviewers said:
"Complex platform elements, top class puzzler and meticulously worked out game design add up to a product that's unique, addictive and utterly absorbing";
"Once you start your shift you wont want to give it up"